"My yoga journey began 16 years ago when I stepped onto a yoga mat for the very first time, and I haven’t looked back since! I came to yoga searching for a way to release tension that accompanied a stressful banking job, and stayed because it provided me with so much more.
I find clarity and presence on the mat and believe in the true healing powers of yoga. For the past 11 years it has been an absolute joy to share my passion by teaching Vinyasa, (hot) hatha, and yin yoga based classes around Amsterdam and my hometown of Montreal, Canada.
This practice of oneness is within everyone, and for some it is more accessible, others have to dig deep to find it, so my teaching style is encouraging and compassionate, providing a safe space to explore what might come up during the practice. I love to include storytelling and chanting in my classes with some laughter sprinkled in, a light hearted approach to what can be some pretty heavy stuff!
Yin yoga is a tool I continue to use on a journey of self love. Learning to slow down, and relax into the present conditions without judgement, provides me with awareness of the powerful mind/body connection we all have, and guides me through this beautiful experience called LIFE."