We offer (live) ONLINE classes and OUTDOOR classes.

Our BEACH lessons are in front of the beachclub The Fat Mermaid

Our PARC lessons are in het Westbroekpark, entrance Kapelweg, meeting point gate entrance Rozentuin

Ofcourse outdoor classes are dependent on the weather so please keep your eye on our schedule before class starts for any last minute changes regarding location or cancelation.

A few guidelines for our outdoor classes: 

  • You have to book your class online to reserve your spot and/ or to pay for the class

  • Unfortunately drop-ins are not allowed due to limited spots and corona guidelines so make sure that you reserved your spot (also possible 10 minutes before class:-)

  • Book your class in time! We only have limited spots available

  • Bring your own yoga mat or big towel

  • Wear layers to stay warm

  • Make sure you place your mat a minimum of 1,5 meter distance from your neighbour

  • Keep distance and give each other space

  • Having a cold or feeling sick? Please stay at home.

  • We are not allowed to touch or correct you in a pose 

  • After class we cannot stay together for an aftertalk. Please be aware of this.



How to Watch

We will stream the class online via Zoom.

The first time you join us, the Zoom Cloud Meetings software has to be downloaded and installed, please reserve some extra time for it. You only have to do this once.

1) Make your reservation for the online class via our class schedule or in Mindbody as usual. You can use your monthly membership or buy a single class ticket.

2) You pay €10 for 1 Online class you can od this class for. at least 48 hrs.

You can also choose for a weekly Unlimited pass for €18 and get unlimited acces to all classes in this week.

3) After you made your reservation, we send you an email with the link to the class. Please make sure you allow Mindbody to send emails the ‘RECEIVE NEWS& PROMO box needs to be checked!). When you click the link to a class for the first time, it will ask you to install the software. A webpage is shown with a popup to start the Zoom Cloud Meeting software. It will be possible to view the lesson on lots of devices, mobile (iOS & Android) and your computers (desktop/laptops).

If asked, please enter your name when so we know who is joining. You don’t have to use audio or enable your own video, just follow along with us.

4) Get ready to start your class. Since you don’t have all the studio props you need to be creative! You can use books instead of blocks, a regular belt and a sarong or warm blanket instead.