One of the branches of the yogic philosophy, the yamas, are five moral, ethical and societal guidelines to practice a conscious and honest life. These guidelines can be a great practice for something you want to work on in your life. The first Yama is called Ahimsa, and is translated as non-violence or non-harming. When considering non-harming towards others, we may think: ‘well I don’t go around punching people in the street so, yeah I got that one down.’ Of course it goes much deeper than that.
Meer lezenSATYA: Thruthfulness
Satya, the second of the 10 Yamas and Niyamas in the The Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali, means truthfulness.
The yamas and niyamas provide ways in which we can not only build a better relationship with the world around us, but with ourselves too…. And if we can’t be honest with ourselves first, we cannot really be honest in any other part of life.
We often identify completely with our emotions and irrational thoughts; ‘I am a bad person because of this….’ or ‘I’m not good enough because of that….’
When we let our mind run away with us, we define ourselves by how we feel at that very moment or by conditioning from our past instead of seeing things how they really are.
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